Herworld Vietnam: First Miss Earth from the US and first queen to be ever crowned in the virtual platform. How do you feel about this?
Lindsey Coffey: I already felt I was at a disadvantage entering this pageant with no experience, and learning that the USA never won the title added to that pressure. However, I felt my disadvantages also played in my favor as I had no expectations. My naivety of beauty pageants allowed me to be my authentic self, un-coached and unpolished. Adding the virtual component to the competition I felt played in my favor. Working in the fashion industry for a decade I know my angles and how to play to the camera. I truly believe this was written in the stars for me. Everything happened the way it was supposed to.
Herworld Vietnam: Will you change anything about your reaction upon being told you are the new Miss Earth?
Lindsey Coffey: I always say how my “crowning” moment was so embarrassing! I was fixing my hair, adjusting my dress, and on top of that it took our host, James Deakin, about three times to convince me I had won. In all honesty, I would not change a thing. Everyone saw the real Lindsey in those moments. You can also see the transition within me compared to when I assumed James was joking and when I realized he wasn’t. It was raw, awkward, and hilariously genuine. I feel that’s what made my moment so special. Looking back on that day I wish I could relive that moment without changing a thing. That day will forever live in my heart and be one of the highlights of my life. The emotions I felt in that moment I believe were once in a lifetime and indescribable.
Herworld Vietnam: What was the most memorable moment during your reign?
Lindsey Coffey: What I will remember the most are the friendships I made. The relationships that grew from my Miss Earth USA team, traveling, and while meeting our elemental court. I will forever carry those friendships with me. However, to spotlight one moment that was a bit crazy was jumping off of an eight meter cliff in Guatemala! It was exhilarating and literally took my breath away.
Herworld Vietnam: How do you promote your environment advocacy in the new normal?
Lindsey Coffey: Social media played a vital role throughout my reign, especially with an international title. Our social platforms allowed me to have a global audience that was easily accessible. I interviewed young climate activist, spoke at webinars, and created an online EcoEd series to help educate and raise awareness of the climate crisis. Despite the instability of international travel, in the US I was able to take part in more hands-on work. I volunteered with multiple organizations conducting clean ups, animal rescue and rehabilitation, as well as sustainable farming. As borders reopen, moving forward I will take my work abroad focusing on reaching different ecosystems that need extra love and care.

Herworld Vietnam: How will you encourage fashion influencers to advocate for the environment?
Lindsey Coffey: Fast-fashion is an ongoing issue contributing to global warming and worldwide pollution. Working in the fashion industry I am given great opportunities to collaborate and work alongside brands that have a green initiative. Our fashion influencers have a platform to further advocate for those sustainable brands creating awareness while introducing new shopping opportunities to consumers. Connecting our influencers with sustainable designers is a great way to spread the message and show there are alternatives and even better style options to buyers usual brand of choice.
Herworld Vietnam: What’s your advice to everyone in terms of taking care of their health and their environment? Tips?
Lindsey Coffey: Taking care of our health and environment go hand and hand. Majority of people fail to realize the harmful affects of pollution, chemicals, and heat have on our body. Breathing in poor air quality leads to respiratory illness; eating contaminated crops that are filled with chemicals deregulates our body’s natural functioning and can cause chemical and hormonal imbalances; and prolonged high-temperature heat exposure increases our risk for heat-borne illness. Switching to renewable energy sources, buying organic, and supporting pro-environment politicians will aid in creating a healthy environment as well as a healthy you.
Herworld Vietnam: What’s next for Lindsey?
Lindsey Coffey: I am focusing on expanding my platform to reach more communities who are at a higher risk of the affects of the climate crisis. In doing so I want to collaborate with more organizations and nonprofits who are walking the same path. I believe uniting and coming together creates an unstoppable force that can move mountains. Together we can guide the world in the right direction and give hope to the generations after us. Although my reign has come to an end, there is still more work to do. From this point on I will think bigger, speak louder, and love harder. Our potential is limitless.

** Credit Team **
Photographer: Sophie Cécil Xu @sophiececilexu
Hair: Kia Sterling @kiasterlinghair
Makeup: Seiya Libuchi using M.A.C cosmetics @Seiya_Makeup
Stylist: Kevin Parker @kevinLparker
Associate stylist Kerry Scott @kingrob1900
Asstant stylist: Ayumi Perry @ayumiperry – Devon Moyer @devonmoyer
Editor: Vincent Tran
Outfits: Cory Couture & Khang Le
Producer: Cory Couture Productions with FTL Moda
Herworld Vietnam